Lost and found. And on sale: 25% off

Tonight I’ve just spent a very fraught two hours turning our workroom/office upside down. Why? Because I’d lost this beauty pictured above. In case you didn’t know, it’s by Finnish modernist designer Karl Laine and is available in my shop. I’d decided to photograph it on my phone so that I could use the picture to advertise my upcoming sale (more of which below) on Etsy Updates. My pendants are all kept in a box, but the Karl Laine pendant wasn’t amongst them. It wasn’t in the box where I keep necklaces and larger pendants either. It hadn’t fallen behind any bits of furniture, although I did find several other items there that I thought had been lost forever. Eventually I found it … in the old shoe box where I keep our envelopes. Wut.

Anyway, the sale is 25% off all orders over £8, and is on till this Sunday, September 9th.